For those who enrolled in Web Development, here's our first project:
First Quarter Project Requirement (20% of your Final Grade)
Submission Date: June 30 – July 1, 201
In line with the 150th birthday of Dr. Jose Rizal and of course our Independence Day and National Flag Day celebration this month of June, you are to do a website on the life of a person whom you consider to be your “hero”. Sections of the website will touch on; your hero''s personal background; your hero as a boy/girl (early life); your hero as a son/daughter/student/friend/wife/husband; and what makes him/her your hero; plus an extra section which you think necessary for the web site.
All texts should be original, if not, it should be quoted and author cited. All pictures if possible original or used with permissions or from a public domain identified with {PD}. Every section of your website should have sources cited at the bottom (refer how Wikipedia does it). Failure to do so will warrant a grade of zero and an IR for plagiarism.
Criteria for Grading
♣ Content based on appropriateness (and catchy) of title, completeness, cohesiveness, portability and absence of errors (50%)
♣ Website layout (50%)
• Appropriate layout
• Clear, consistent and helpful navigation and all working
• Color Scheme (attractive color combinations and foreground not overpowered by the background)
•Appropriate use of multimedia (sound, photos, animation and videos)
• Should run properly on at least 2 browsers (IE and Firefox)
So guys, better start practicing for this! :)